Sunday, November 15, 2009

2009 Wrapping Up

Sorry for the lack of posts. Since I only coach part-time, sometimes updating the coaching 'blog gets put on the back burner.

A quick note, I still have a few slots available for athletes interested in working with me for 2010. For cyclists, I recommend starting very soon if Sea Otter will be your focus in the early season. Triathletes still have a few weeks if you plan to race well in May and June, but wait too long and you'll be playing catch-up. Not a good situation to be in.

Some notable results recently:

Scott Holland finished his first EVER 50 mile MTB race at the So Cal Fat Tire Epic and put together a SOLID finish (3rd in Men's Cat 3) despite 3 flats and some nutritional issues.

Mykyta Urtyn leads the So Cal Triple Crown Series in Cat 2 25-29 and placed 3rd in Men's Sport this past weekend at the 12 Hours of Temecula. This was only Mykyta's 2nd race at this distance and thos of you in the loop know how stacked this race was.

Last, but certainly not least, Jon Umlor race IM 70.3 World's in Clearwater, FL and put down an amazing race finishing in 4:22 and exceeding my expectations. Jon came to me mid-season after an early-season DNF and I'm damn proud to have been able to help him make his season goal of qualifying for 70.3 World's. A 1/2 IM PR is a thick layer of icing on the cake, though!

Congrats to all my athletes! Seeing your accomplishments brings me such happiness, I cannot begin to describe it. I look forward to working with all of you (and you new folks) in 2010!

Eric (Coach Zippy)